Thursday 20 December 2012

"If you think I'M weird..."

Day one of travel, one nine hour car drive later... I think insanity set in somewhere between the lunchtime discussion with my parents about S&M and the delirious "Hollaback Girl" karaoke session. Questions arose about the nature of "a hater" (urban dictionary: a term largely used by teenage girls when faced with criticism of their boy-band idols) and how one might go about being truly weird in public. Drove past a burning sugar cane field; inhaled what might be described as some kind of sickly, gaseous caramel and ended up in a hotel two hours away from the Gold Coast. There are single-serve milks in the refridgerator and a 1.5m chlorinated kiddy pool just outside the hotel room. I guess I'd describe it as a pretty average summer driving experience. The scent of dry-dump toilets and cheese melts. Some kind of freedom, I don't know.